Tuesday, June 03, 2008

What bemused Facebook user are you?

Warning: This post contains painfully obvious multi-choice questions.

I'm sure any user of Facebook is aware of how utterly irritating some of the third party applications kicking around can be. They're like the "FWD this and your crush will fall in love with you!" emails of the networking world. Ones that get my blood rushing to my face (and book) include any "Am I a hottie?" apps, gift giving apps, and those heretical "Vampire vs. Zombie (vs. my patience)" ones. Why oh why do I want an egg that will hatch into a can of soup? Maybe in real life, especially if its a nice biske. But not as a tiny picture on my already cluttered profile.

The quizzes kicking around remind me of Cleo magazine and the whole "will your relationship stand the test of time" or "is this just carpet burn or should I see a gyno" multi-choice garbage they used to sell at your local dairy. For all I know they still do.
But recently, these quizzes appear to have gotten a little out of hand. What started out as "What animal are you?" or "What kind of kisser are you?" has now exercised its statistical parameters and has moved into slightly more concerning territory, seen below:

I'm sorry, but "want the US and France to get out of Lebanon"? Yes, that reflects my personality to a t. I'm so glad I wasted my time on this.

Personally, I'm looking forward to quizzes such as the following:

See also:
- Which MJ are you?
- What Starbucks coffee are you? (brought to you by Starbucks coffee)
- Which natural disaster victim are you? (Answer "A" for every question and you'll get "Mariah Carey concertgoer")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They're pretty mucked up. I did'nt realise there were some quizzies that extreme.... Like what type of hobo or terrorist are you?????? Facebook is pretty lame any way :P The only quiz I like is the never-ending movie one, but even those questions are stupid and any one can put questions on it which means that half of them are wrong or unrelated to films!!