Sunday, June 21, 2009

Holy crap

Warning: This post is a BIG FUCKING ROBOT

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the anime Gundam, the crazy Japanese have decided to build a temporary monument in Odaiba in Tokyo.
A LIFESIZE motherfucker. That's 18m.

Although I don't really follow Gundam to any obsessive extent - OK, any extent at all - I still love a good giant robot.
For now its just a static thing, but imagine the awesomeness if they made the thing move. Even the fingers or the arms. Damn.


His Whoreness said...

I thought the head moves at night when it lights up and like does stuff

djbigted said...

True, the head moves from side to side, steam comes out and it makes sound effects from the anime. Not what I'm looking for, though. I want a triumphant robot fist in the air.

Sarah-Rose said...

Ack! an 18m tall robot that steams and makes sound effects? terrifying. But mainly AWESOME.