Thursday, February 28, 2008

God Damn You Yoshio Kojima.

Disclaimer: This youtube clip may make no sense.

I was hunting for something else, but I saw a vid on youtube today that caught my eye. I kinda wish it hadn't.

Yoshio Kojima has featured here before (see December for Louie's impersonation of him). He's the guy everyone loves to hate. I'm beginning to see why he's so popular. And it DOES have something to do with him being intolerable.

Japan send New Years cards like rabbits multiply. There's an obligation to send to everyone you ever knew and their extended family, it would seem. Japan Post came up with a carbon offset program this year, with more expensive cards that include the offset for the footprint it takes to send them.
How do they market them? Add in the monkey boy.

Just watch it. It doesn't make any sense even if you understand Japanese.

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