Thursday, December 20, 2007

Computing in the name of

I could write a review of how wonderfully awesome Daft Punk's gig was two weeks ago (I rate their Alive tour as hands down the most entertaining live act I've been to). But there's plenty of reviews out there - if you want to find one, be my guest. I have different fish to battle.

Best Remix I have heard this year (and I've heard a few):

NB: Its only audio, and there's 3 mins of deadness at the end, so don't bother listening after it ends. Also, I think someone has blended the remix with the original, because the remix doesn't usually have the last third of the song.

This guy, and his mate Kaspersky, are also French (like DP). I don't know what they fed the babies of the late 70s in Paris, but they grew up to make awesome beats.

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