Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Lists - Things I Hate

You've gotta be kidding me.

Disclaimer: Lists may or may not be a regular part of my blogging habits.

Before you get worried, I'm not in an overly bad mood. Being in China a little longer than I hoped (2 months instead of just 1), not really seeing any mates and sleeping odd hours haven't entirely drained me of my optimism. Well, they haven't drained me, at least. Though I do wonder what is fuelling my fire at times, and I've come to think it might have a bit to do with hatred.

I'm not embarrassed to admit that hatred is something I indulge in, receive motivation and energy from, and use as a weapon. I think it's perfectly natural. Of course, my hatred is not to be confused with narrow-minded versions of the word: discrimination, blind-hatred or envy. Everything I hate I do so for (what I feel is) a good reason, to lesser or greater extents. Some "hatred" may just be a pet peeve that I know is unfair and thus tend to keep to myself, while more extreme versions are based around something violating my code of ethics or the like.

I never (or try to never) let my hatred reduce me to unwarranted action; rather I prefer to use it to motivate myself. If someone deliberately fouls me in a football match (as some munter did last Saturday), I'd rather dedicate that hatred to driving me to shut him entirely out of the rest of the game, rather than smack him upside the head. Not that that isn't tempting - it's just far less rewarding.

So, without further social commentary, here's a short list of stuff that's been really getting on my nerves lately. You decide why - or by all means, feel free to ask.

Songs that are summed up with the word "anthem" (excluding "national anthems")...well, ie. "Trance Anthems"

Novels that are published with the words "The New York Times #1 Bestseller".

Movies starring singers, who will never be actors.

People who don't call me back


Smelly people who don't know they are smelly

Slow walkers/People who stop and convene in the middle of a walkway

People who lie to my face when the truth does matter


Unnecessary sequels/new series

The Chinese Government

Facebook applications that want to rank or judge me against my peers

Blunt emails




Anonymous said...


てか"people who don't call me back"ってあたしやん”笑

djbigted said...


ところで、people who don't call me backは仕事関係だよう。実桜ちゃんはいつもメールを返してくれるしいっぱいの連絡あるよ。In China I call some people to ask about something, and they say "I'll check it out" and then never call me back. It's annoying because it's their responsibility to call me, not for me to call them once an hour in case they have forgotten me...which they often have(>_<)

evawing said...

I'm with you on humidity, slow walkers/people who stop in the middle of a walkway, litter, unnecessary sequels, and people who don't call me back -_-.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you got 3 categories of hate:

1. attributes about people/society.

2. Novels, movies, stuff like that.

3. Political and environmental factors.

What could this all mean?

My gf is a slow walker, I have to reduce my speed. argh!!!