Thursday, January 17, 2008

The More Sin, The Heavier Something Is.

This is the most fun I've had laughing at stupid people in a while.
Sure, scientists can't explain the creation of the world, but saying gravity doesn't exist is just giving your kind a bad name.
Disclaimer: I don't dislike religion. I dislike dumb people. Well, actually, I find them severely entertaining. As long as you don't tell me what to believe, then you're entitled to your own.

Other quotes of note: (with additional Japanese translation, because I care)

If items of mass had any impact of others, then mountains should have people orbiting them. もし物の重量は他の物に影響があったら、何で山の周りに人が周回するでしょう。

Hi, honey! I'm pregnant again. I guess I'll just get another abortion, since "fetuses don't count as human life." 「ダーリン、また妊娠できちゃった。さぁ、また捨てますよ。だって、胎児が人間じゃないからね?」

Most afflictions like this (mental disability) are caused by sins committed while still inside the womb. こういう風な障害はほとんど子宮にいる間罪をすることの原因です。

I often debate with evolutionists because I believe that they are narrow mindedly and dogmatically accepting evolution without questioning it. I don't really care how God did what He did. I know He did it.進化論を信じてる人たちとよくケンカする。彼らが偏狭で、進化論を一回も疑えせずに信じます。僕の場合、神様がどうやって世界を作ったと知りたくない。もうきっと神様がやったと分かっています。(矛盾!)

What does a functioning brain have to do with the Bible? ちゃんと動いている脳が聖書と関係がないだろう?

If we did evolve from monkeys then how come babies arent born monkeys? もし人間がサルから来たら、何で赤生まれたばっかりの赤ちゃんがサルじゃないの?

Please don't insult our intelligence by lumping science and technology together. They are as different at night and day.我々を馬鹿にするな。「理科」と「技術」が一緒として話すのが間違いです。まるまる違う分野です。

The only solution we have to stop gays from recruiting other people is to cut off the source. They need to be taken to specialized containment centers where they will be forced to become straight and accept Jesus as thier savior and to repent from their disgusting, wicket, hatful, devilish ways.ホモの人たちを自分のグループにさらに人をリクルートすることを止める為、源で潰すしかないです。専用監禁所にみんなを入れて、そこで異性愛者にさせて、イェズスが彼らを助けることを信じさせて、昔の悪魔っぽくてひどい生活を後悔させる必要があります。

To say the Bible was written by men and may contain inaccuracies completely contradicts the word of the Bible.聖書が人間に書かれて、間違えが入っている可能性あることを言うのが、聖書に書いてあることに矛盾する。

Secular music is my drug and when I listen to it (like right now), I'm showing personal defeat.異教徒アーティストの音楽が私の薬で、今のように聞く度、個人的な失敗です。

Finally, from American television:
(A make-up infomercial メークのCMで)A lot of people look at this and think 'How can a powder cover anything on my skin?' Well, first of all, this is not a powder. These are minerals taken from the earth, that happen to be in a powder form. 最初的によく言われることが、「粉なんて、肌のシミなどを隠せないだろう??」実は、粉ではない。地下から取られたミネラルで、粉の状態だけです(それでも粉やん!!)
There's strong, and then there's army strong 強いとういうと、「軍隊の強い」が最高だ。


evawing said...

That powder comment at the bottom, I own that stuff x_x. A Christmas present from my mother -_-.

djbigted said...

Your mother gave you contradictory make-up?

evawing said...

Yes -_-;;. I was watching the info DVD included with it and they talk about this one 'powder' they have that's made from minerals from locations 'untouched' by human development.

djbigted said...

Untouched, until they dug it up and sold it to celebrities. Think it got fairly touched then.
I'm reminded of a Tracy Chapman song.