Thursday, August 06, 2009

FMF Trailer

Warning: Wes Anderson + Roald Dahl = Fantastic.

Might Roald Dahl be a better source of book-to-movie gold that even Steven King? While it may be a hard race to call, having grown up on Mr. Dahl's books (like many of us), I'm pleasantly impressed with how well he translates to the silver screen. Willy Wonka & the remake Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, , and his efforts at screenwriting for such gems as Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and my favourite Bond, You Only Live Twice. Even Matilda wasn't that bad.
The latest of Dahl's back catalogue to be utilised for the cinematic powers of good is Fantastic Mr. Fox, brought to life by the wonderful Wes Anderson (Royal Tenenbaums, Rushmore). The trailer looks awesome. The cast are the only remaining funny people left in Hollywood. The director is a mildly eccentric genius. Should be great.

FYI, my favourite Dahl book was The Twits, though I'm not so sure I want that to be made into a movie.

1 comment:

Violet said...

It's gonna be so wonderful! I've been looking forward to this since Wes Anderson announced it about two years ago :)