Warning: This post is dedicated to you.
Most Likely to Win a RakeThe above pic is courtesy of yearbookyourself.com - one of those fabulous ways to kill time needlessly on the internet. With dozens of facetypes to choose from, who wouldn't want to become a timeless piece of high school history?
Isn't it nice to have friends. I sure think so. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, they come in a variety of shapes and sizes, not to mention orders of magnitude: from the "BFF(ROFLMAO)", the Drinking Buddy all the way to the Facebook Friend and the Workmate. These guys tend to be the ones who care you're still alive (before you ask, no I'm not suicidal). They might be the ones who listen to you ranting like a moron. Or the jokers who want to pose for photos with your ugly mug at parties. Hopefully they laugh at your vain attempts at humour, or at least don't leave you stranded at 3am in a nightclub with no ride home. In some cases, they might just be that guy you know in that far-off place who wouldn't mind if you crashed on the couch for a few. Note: These people are not to be confused with family, who are legally obliged to do all that (unless they're a Jerry Springer family).
So, in celebration of friends everywhere (the world's best volunteers!), here's a shout out to all of
my mates who deserve a bit of Mcluvin. If you didn't make the cut, don't worry - I've merely temporarily forgotten you exist! Feel free to remind me. I'm looking forward to writhing in guilt.
Alan: Yes, you're my friend. I bet you wish you weren't! When you die I will inherit your hats.
Alex: I know you're my ex-roommate, but you can still be my boyfriend. Just wear lippy more often. Looking forward to the next gig dude.
Andris: Congrats on being a dad! Can I come see the little damburger in January? I didn't say damburger, I said damburger!
Angelo: You sexy beast - why haven't we slept together yet? Probably because our combined libido would make the bed explode. That and you having a penis and all. Miss you dude! Come by Osaka some time!
Mr. Chris: Loving the shaved head dude. It's a shame we didn't see the Phoenix together, but it was still awesome to hang out as much as we did. Don't be a stranger man - you're a more important friend to me than our lack of contact would suggest. Possibly the nicest guy I know.
Daniel K: I'm finally back in the saka of O, so lets hit the Blarney!
Danny: You are my favourite Greek. Yeah - more favouriter than Achilles and Stankopolos!
Dhiresh: How's the mines, Mocha Bear? I wonder if I should call you Hot Fuzz (some play on the fact that you work with copper). You have no idea how awesome it was to see you in Welly - and to get some of that Bill action!
Diana: I miss you! You're the only one who ever called me "Kiwi"!
Dora: I don't think I'll ever visit Hokkaido again - hanging with you there is the best image and I don't want to taint it. Or maybe I'll just come visit you. In Croatia would be awesome though!
Eion: That was too long between meetings dude. I know it's my turn to visit you, but I still wanna see you come hang in Osaka. Next year might be your last chance! Also cool to see Teresa all fun & friendly. She still can't steal my cat though. PS. I want to be a lion tamer! I've got a hat!
Flapy: Hola Espanol! Como es Madrid? When you get back here, let's go to karaoke and take pictures of my girlfriend!
Gemma S: Don't think you ever read my blog, but you were the best thing about 2nd year physics. You wanna host me in London if you're still there in 2010?
Grant: I tried to visit you one weekend on Muritai Rd and you were in Taupo, you SOB. Just for that you owe me a trip out here. I'm waiting. Glad we did touch base though. Need to more often.
Hannah: Now I
know you don't read my blog, but I still like you. And your little guy! He's so kyute! ;) Keep up the big work, lil' sis.
Ingrid: Still haven't worked out that nickname. But missing you and all our movie watching immensely. I still owe you one for hanging out with my incapacitated self.
Jess T: Row, row, row your boat honey. How'd your fancy dress party go?
Jenbee: What's up, Rainbow Brite? Hope England hasn't turned you into a coarse hooligan. Though that might be entertaining... Keep on rockin', become a famous improv actor and I'll see you at the Globe when I'm next over! Mwah.
Kat: Acoustic Flowers in The Wind? I hate you so much I think I like you. Hope Scotland doesn't take your life or your FREEEEEEEDOOOOMM...I left green tea for you with Chris. Raak his Asian ass up for it.
Laura W: Tall and amusing as ever, I see. Next time lets hang some more - wanna come visit me over here? PS. I think I'm in love with your boyfriend. Is that OK?
Louise K: I know you're quitting and starting up German translation study (which is awesome), but you'll always be a "planner" to me. Actually, you'll always be the chica with a good Python memory! Now, bring me a shrubbery!
Luke: Hope the eye's all good. Don't slack off just yet! I'm forming an itinerary for our Japan escapade. Do you like penguins?
Mindy: Was awesome to have coffee and catch up. You're still the coolest!
Mel R: Tiny, tiny Mel. What can I say? I actually had more fun seeing you in September than all the other times put together. You's a'ight wit' me.
Melissa: You're in London? Man, you get around. I'm like, way jealous and stuff. Miss your smiley face!
Rajeev: The fact that you would suffer the asthmatic nature of Prescott's apartment just to pop by and see me speaks more for itself than, I dunno, a thousand speaking birthday card things. Was great to see you're well - looking forward to the next ICW production.
Rivan: I promise you I will visit you in Kouchi one day. During which time I will make you the most popular man on the island. Oh, and I'm reading a book about a guy in Bombay - sounds awesome. When can I visit?
Sam De V: Bonjour Chocolat ;) Looking forward to seeing you on New Years man. Underworld play in Ghent in November at I Luv Techno - gutted! I know you want to hit somewhere down south for NYE, but are there any good gigs on in Ghent around that time?
Sarah/OhDarling: You know, me and you were in the same country for 3 days, and I didn't even realise. Enjoy being back in Welly - see you next time! PS. Now I can finally read your blog, I'm loving it ;)
Sukanda/Ben: How come I no see you online no more? Remember how we used to hang out and stuff? Gimme suma that!
Tom M: I think you have a very photogenic memory too. Next time I come to Melbourne I am so photogening it. Hope you're there next year!
Travis: Your sexy ass might just be enough reason to come visit you in the States. I'm working on the job thing, but I only have one as a call girl. Do you swallow?
Mr. Whore: All that relaxing and having fun in Melbourne can't be good for you. I command you to go back home. PS. You have no idea how big a grudge I hold over your seeing Boy 8-Bit before I did.